TBC-REDE: Turismo de Base Comunitária pelo Brasil e pelo Mundo


    The axes of integration of university teaching-research-extension, which transcend the website, is under the scope of Social Sciences Applied and Human Sciences, the complex interdisciplinary construction of meanings, logic and practices of Community-based Tourism or Community Tourism in Brazil and abroad. This virtual site is a tool of communication and research for everyone interested in the theme which is materialized through the initiatives of Community-based Tourism in Brazil, Latin America, Africa and Asia and points to a new paradigm of tourism nowadays. In these initiatives, social actors from several touristic nuclei have been engaged more effectively in activities linked to planning, execution, monitoring and management of touristic activities making possible to generate complementary income and socioeconomic development.

Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Tupé (Manaus, Amazonas), 2013. (Moraes, 2013).

O cerco de pesca e pescadores, Trindade (Paraty, Rio de Janeiro), 2016. (Arquivo do Projeto: Mapeamento do turismo de base comunitária no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis e Paraty, 2016).

    They have been resisting the neoliberal model and the mega touristic projects which often neglect the needs of local actors and the vulnerability of socio-environmental conditions.Therefore, many initiatives of Community-based Tourism in Brazil and Latin America are linked to a socio-political movement which claims land ownership, the right to live permanently where they were born, the right to housing and inherited land, illegal land occupation and so on. That is why Community-based Tourism, seen as a socio-political movement, has been organized mainly through national and Latin American networks.

Dona Marilda e a Exposição Passados e Presentes, Quilombo Santa Rita do Bracui (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro). (Arquivo do Projeto: Mapeamento do turismo de base comunitária no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis e Paraty, 2015-2016).

Brazilidade – Turismo de Base na Favela, Favela Santa Marta, Botafogo (Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro), 2015. (Arquivo do Projeto: Mapeamento do turismo de base comunitária no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis e Paraty, 2015-2016).

(*) This text has been adapted from part of the paper "MENDONÇA, T. C. de M; MORAES, E. A. Reflexões emergentes sobre Turismo de Base Comunitária, à luz da experiência no “Paraíso Proibido”: Vila do Aventureiro - Ilha Grande - Brasil. Avaiable at: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento. vol.2, n. 17/18, 2012. P. 1169-1183". Available in http://revistas.ua.pt/index.php/rtd/article/view/9353/7694