TBC-REDE: Turismo de Base Comunitária pelo Brasil e pelo Mundo


    This virtual site is an interactive tool of information and promotion of the research groups "CBT-Networks "Community Based Tourism: Historical, Conceptual, Sociopolitical, Cultural and Environmental Perspectives" (UFJF/UFRRJ). In this sense, it aims to promote projects of scientific initiation scholarships and extension, events and initiatives as well as to build up a virtual library to disclose documents and reference lists and bibliography on community based tourism, community tourism and its approaches and correlations. It conveys one of the concrete expressions of an academic journey on Community-based Tourist or Community Tourism (CBT) approached in the master’s thesis on the subject in Brazil, “Tourism and community participation: “Prainha do Canto Verde, the ‘canoe’ that has not broken and the ‘source’ that hasnotdried?”.

Prainha do Canto Verde (Beberibe, Ceará), 2003. Fonte: Mendonça (2004).

    In the course of the journey, we felt the need to deepen and extend the insights on the TBC context into a wider, more distributed and complex sphere, which resulted in the PhD dissertation “Follow the actors and their own actions: in the pathsof socio-technical controversies of Community-based Tourism at Rede TUCUM - Ceará - Brazil”, developed by tourismologist Edilaine Albertino de Moraes from 2015 to 2019, one of the twenty-fourth dissertations on this subject in the country. This academic activity has been construed of interchanges and partnerships between PhD Prof. Teresa Mendonça (UFRRJ) and PhD Prof. Edilaine Moraes (UFJF) since 2008 about research and actions related to TBC.

8ª Assembleia Anual da Rede Cearense de Turismo Comunitário (TUCUM) Assentamento Maceió (Itapipoca, Ceará), 2014 (Moraes, 2019).

    Both researchers are linked to NEPET – Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Turismo; TBC-REDE: Laboratório de Turismo de Base Comunitária, Sustentabilidade e Redes and GAPIS – Grupo de Pesquisa em Governança, Ambiente, Políticas Públicas, Inclusão e Sustentabilidade (all of them accredited by Diretório de Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil (Lattes/CNPq) and Rede Brasileira de Turismo Solidário e Comunitário (TURISOL).

II Fórum Global sobre Turismo Sustentável - Fórum Social Mundial (Salvador, Bahia), 2018. Fonte: Documento Final do II Fórum Global sobre Turismo Sustentável (FSM), 2018.

    This blog is designed to be a simple interactive tool with its intended audience which can act as feeder for the database available in the virtual library as well. We do hope then that this audience gets involved in and collaborates with the collective construction of different kinds of knowledge produced by themselves on “another possible kind of".
